Poem diary provides you with scintillating poems ranging from love, romance, life, friendship and music
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
My love,
Can we do away with our fantasies
and face life as it comes in reality
remember we are in our mid twenties
we are gradually drowning in our anxieties.
my love,
time never waits for no one
let's face our dreams one-on-one
and leave our fantasies behind for once
we won't relent until we have won.
my love,
today is another beautiful day
let's take the bull by the horn today
mindless of what people might say
I'm here with you, forever to stay.
Friday, 5 August 2016
In the light of my love for you
I see the darkness in my past
Because you are pure to your soul
I have come from there to here
You are my one true friend
In whom my heart delights
You came into my life @ a glimpse
And mended my every brokenness
You are the true colour of beauty
Beautiful beyond artistic description
If I could love in the life to come
I will love you over and over again
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
You are beautiful, words can't express
One like you never thought I'd find
But you disappeared, left my eyes with tears
Overly sudden, I lost my peace of mind
We spoke the night before
But you disappeared in the morning
You left me confused, with my spirit torn
Overly sudden, I never saw it coming
You could have gone miles away
Beyond the places my mind could reach
That you're safe and happy I'd always pray
And I hope that you find what you truly seek
My charming witty little dove
I will love you till the end of time
And I hope the brightness of the stars above
Will lighten your path to your very prime
Sunday, 12 June 2016
The flood gate opened
This was your chance
your chance at freedom!
You swam through
as fast as you can
faster than those other midgets
your tail following after you.
Your eyes beheld the egg afar
propelling you forward
you had put your hands on the plow
giving up was not on option
on you swam
your jelly-like structure
gliding through the fluid.
You arrived first
others hot on your tail
fusing with the egg
a zygote cloned
beginning of your nine month sequestration.
Mum fed you
took care of you
as tiny hands and leg formed.
then the day arrived
you kicked with all your might
mum pushed with every strength she had
Out you came wet and beautiful.
Its a Baby Boy!
the Doctor announced.
©2016 Oni Temitope Deborah
(09Topsy Creations)
Monday, 23 May 2016
Take this little love of mine
Into your ever blossoming mind
Let it spring up like flowers in winter
Take me away from the scenery of blighters
Into the flaccid abode of your heart
Let me savour the brightness of your light
Take me away from the eyes of scorners
Into a surreal ambiance, maybe florida
Let me feel the supple touch of your love
Take me with you everywhere, even If rough
Into surprises I'm sure we'll walk through
Let me be this way, forever loving you
Friday, 22 April 2016
The wise could not
Let alone the brave
What running through
My mind, tell
All alone in awful thoughts
Can I the pressure stand?
I continually ask myself
Anyway, no one can tell
What the future holds
Man so callous could be
When words consoling
Should utter
Words rather depressing prefer
If not for life's principles
Not for a reason worth it
Expecting the unexpected
Dear life, even if for once
Teach us to understand you
Now is the time
For me to buckle down
At life's principles overcoming
Come what may, I will never quit.
People, walking the streets
With beautiful smile on their faces
But with flicking thoughts of despair
Taking the day's order
They walk all alone, abandoned
In the midst of terrifying thoughts
Sometimes they cry aloud when it's too hard
To bear, how they wish they weren't born
Their hope, almost drowned away
By the sand of nothingness
Miming the rhythm of desolation
Always awake counting stars amid shadows
You see them laugh aloud
At the least of funny talks
But a way of taming every bit of cruelty
Life has on them, imposed, crummy indeed
It's all a façade I know
Just a little step further
Will bring the turnaround yet wanted
Patience is all that is required.
Thursday, 18 February 2016
It's like a flowing spring
That never goes dry
It's like a flame of fire
Oozing from the crater of a volcano
It lies deep beyond the penumbra
Of the world unforseen
It's so deep to navigate
Do you realize?