The flood gate opened
This was your chance
your chance at freedom!
You swam through
as fast as you can
faster than those other midgets
your tail following after you.
Your eyes beheld the egg afar
propelling you forward
you had put your hands on the plow
giving up was not on option
on you swam
your jelly-like structure
gliding through the fluid.
You arrived first
others hot on your tail
fusing with the egg
a zygote cloned
beginning of your nine month sequestration.
Mum fed you
took care of you
as tiny hands and leg formed.
then the day arrived
you kicked with all your might
mum pushed with every strength she had
Out you came wet and beautiful.
Its a Baby Boy!
the Doctor announced.
©2016 Oni Temitope Deborah
(09Topsy Creations)